aboiut Eileen Seigel
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I've been writing since I was a child and have been fortunate enough to have other people value my writing along the way. I enjoy writing a variety of things, but my two online courses and their related articles have been among my favorites. Like many writers, I'm working on the next great novel, but I enjoy writing assigned articles, travel pieces, blogs, and more.

I was born in Brooklyn, New York, grew up in Hewlett, Long Island, and moved to Toronto, Canada after marrying my Canadian husband many years ago. Now I split my time between New York and Toronto, making it easy for me to keep in touch with the industry. My children also love the creativity of writing - my daughter is in the book business, working for a distributor in Toronto, specilaizing in children's and young adult books. My son is a Creative Director at an agency in Toronto. I like to believe some of my creativity rubbed off on them, especially since my husband's work is all logic, analytics, and numbers. I could tell you stories about what people think a Forensic Accountant is!

I have many hobbies and some of them have become passions that I am very serious about. I'm learning to play the drums, but I'm sure I'll never be in a rock band. I paint and draw, but I'm pretty sure you won't find my art in a museum. I've become an avid knitter, getting more enthused about it each time I pick up the knitting needles, and I've been taking pictures since I was a little kid - first with a Kodak Brownie, all the way up to my Nikon Digital SLR. I'm sure one of these days I'll combine these passions into a photo-journal book about knitting!

I also love dogs and have had one or two (or three) throughout my life. We're loving our sixth Keeshond and are serious Keeshond enthusiasts. Dogs and other animals are one of my favorite things to photograph, in addition to scenery, old buildings, odd trees, reflections, and even a wedding I stumbled upon in Central Park. Explore my pages and you'll find representation of all those things here.