Eileen Seigel - More of what I do
Copyright 2013 eileenseigel.com | All Rights Reserved.

I started taking pictures when I was a child. Each week I'd walk to the drug store across the main street to bring my film in for developing. I timed it so I'd be picking up the prints and get my free roll of film at the same time - that way I was never had an empty camera.

From my first Kodak Brownie, my Kodak Instamatic, Polaroids, 35mm SLRs and now my digital cameras, I've always loved to take pictures.


I taught myself to knit when I
was 19 years old. The first
thing I knitted was a scarf for
my boyfriend who turned out to
be my husband. He still has
that scarf and I've made him
several since.

I love to knit and
have made sweaters, scarves,
hats, dog sweaters, and I love
trying new things. Knitting
relaxes me and I can think
about what I want to write
while knitting.


I was an art major in high school
and was accepted early to FIT in
New York. Unfortunately I was ill
and couldn't start, which ended
up in my going to a regular
Liberal Arts school. Drawing was
my passion but I loved to paint
as well. I still do.

I've always loved music and
played piano when I was young.
now I'm teaching myself to play
drums. Enough said about that!


Living in Toronto, I missed
the company of Americans
and our culture. I got
involved in the American
Women's Club of Toronto,
serving on the Board of
Directors for several
years. I served two of
those years as President.

I'm still a member of the
AWCT and have rejoined
the Board after a short
retirement from active duty!